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Let your body talk - find your healing points

Taking quiet time every day to focus inside of ourselves gives our bains a chance to take stock of what’s going on inside our bodies, minds, and emotions. Actually, our brains can do more than take stock. With the help of our bodies themselves, and the life energy that runs through them

(, our brains can actually be an agent of healing.

When we move, tap, press, or vibrate our bodies mindfully, our brains discover the areas that need help. They realize where we have points of tension, pain, or blocked energy flow. At the same time, moving, vibrating, and pressing our bodies releases the tension, pain, and blockage, facilitating true healing.

Find and activate your healing points.

BHP Method 1: Let your body talk

With your body relaxed and comfortable. At first, do this with your eyes open. Raise your hands to chest height with your palms facing away from your body. Now, open your hands completely, stretching and really extending your ten fingers. Flex and stretch your palms and fingers outward so much that your wrists bend backward. Your lower back also extends and straightens naturally at the same time and your shoulders and neck start to relax.

Then, slowly relax your hands completely. Stretch and relax again two to three times.

Next, continuing to relax your fingers, close your eyes and concentrate on your hands. Your fingers slowly curl up, as if your hands are closing gently around eggs. Your wrists rotate naturally as your fingers continue to curl. The feeling grows if you keep concentrating on your body. You'll get different feelings as your wrists go around. Continue to watch your body as you do this.

Now your neck turns, and your shoulders rotate, too. Focus deeply on yourself and observe the changes in your body, continuing to move. Your feeling of your body will deepen.

The movements you need now for healing come out of you all on their own. Your body moves as it wants as you continue to focus within. You may find yourself yawning, your legs straightening, or your lower back curling up.

There is something that's crucial when you do BHP training. You have to focus completely the entire time, setting aside all of your preconceptions.

BHP Method 2: Press Points of Connection

In this relaxed and aware state, you can also find your healing points in a more systematic way. It is a type of reflexology that involves your fingers, toes, or head in which you access all parts of your body, especially your major organs, via the energy channels, or meridians, that run throughout your body. One of the easiest ways to do this method is to find the points on your hands, just below your fingernail cuticles.

Press the points and find the spots that hurt the most. After you find a painful point, gently massage it with your thums for about one minute. Once you’ve massaged all of the healing points on one hand, test the points on your other hand as well.

If you’ve found the points on your hands, you can also try pressing different parts of your head with your fingernails to find healing points there. Close your eyes to focus within, and massage the painful places for about one minute, really observing what changes happen in your body.

When the healing points stop hurting, the healing process is complete. However, you may need to massage the points more than one time in order for the pain to go away completely.

When you've done BHP several times, you'll see a 50 percent improvement in your health. Keep at it, and your health will improve more. If your health isn’t 100 percent, keep finding and massaging healing points until they are completely free of pain.



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